Nomadic Cell

The cell is freed from all its weight, from its oppression, and becomes a light memory, where the walls, the prison and the entire city disappear. The cell travels with us, accompanies us forever, converted into a memory crossed by air and nature. The anchoring to some specific events and places fades in favor of a drawing in the landscape as the only testimony that connects those moments of my grandfather in the Modelo prison in Barcelona as a victim of the political repression by the dictatorship, and a new feeling of freedom.

Access to the cell where my grandfather had been taken allows me to search for the memories accumulated in that place and in family and personal memories. Through the traces fixed in the space of the cell, I enter into the relationships that arise between what is built and what has been lived, between the physical elements that surround us and the memories that they keep. A project that ends up producing a series of reflections on the cell space and the Modelo prison in different formats (photography, collage, frottage, video, drawing, etc.) together with some installations in the landscape that function as a cathartic act regarding this past.


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